Majorityrights News > Category: Blacks & Black Behaviour

3,000 Haitian Invaders Per Month “Flowing” To The U.S.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 08:35.

  ...aaah, soothing, calming immigration“flows.”..

New Observer, “3,000 Haitian Invaders Per Month”, 21 Nov. 2016:

More than 3,000 Haitian invaders are pouring into U.S. every month, exploiting new routes, special policies, and “lax enforcement” by the Obama regime, a secret government intelligence assessment reveals.

The document, revealed by the Washington Post, said that the African invaders are “spreading out across the border, testing crossings in Arizona and Texas.”

There, the Washington Times report said, the invaders have been “told they will have an easier time getting through,” quoting analysts in a November 17 bulletin from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s office of intelligence.

It is not only Haitians, but also invaders from the Middle East who have been apprehended on the border, the bulletin added.

The bulletin also warned that word had spread to the 40,000 Haitians now living in Chile, and many of them have also started moving north.

Haitian arrivals at the U.S. southwest border (SWB) have continued to exponentially increase,” the intelligence analysts said.

Italy: Hotels being confiscated in order to host African asylum seekers

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 17 November 2016 05:14.

Dviersity Macht Frei, “Italy: 80-year-old hotel owner tries to barricade his hotel against asylum invaders”, 17 Nov 2016:

Policemen ask hotel owner Luigi Fogli for the keys as tries to protect his hotel confiscated to host African asylum seekers.

The elderly gentleman in the video is Luigi Fogli, a businessman in his 80s, who runs a hotel (Hotel Lory) in Ficarolo, in the province of Rovigo. Not long ago, he inquired about providing asylum accommodation services from the local government, but chose not to pursue the matter further when he found out that he would only be paid 7 euros per “refugee” per night. At that point, the local prefecture simply confiscated his hotel and forced the invaders upon him.

He tried to block their admission and, in fact, managed to hold it up for a few hours. But, eventually, he succumbed and the invaders arrived. Apparently he fainted at some point during the proceedings.


Things like this are going on all over Italy. The local authorities are confiscating hotels and using them as invader accommodation. In some places, as in the incident described above, the proprietors resist; in other cases they cooperate and defence is left to the local citizens.

Here is a picture from a similar incident in Verona. The hotel Castello had been confiscated (link) but locals were happy and set up barricades.



The mass confiscation of property to host “refugees” has provoked mass protests in Verona and given rise to the “Verona ai Veronesi” [Verona for the Veronese] movement. Here are some videos of their recent protests.



Proof that Trump is No Racist

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 17 November 2016 05:01.—Donald Trump has promised to provide vouchers to inner city children, allowing them to attend high-quality private schools rather than being locked in to government schools dominated by teachers’ unions.

                        President-elect Donald Trump.  (AP)

( - Trump’s Education Plan: School Choice for ‘Every Single Inner City Child in America”, 11 Nov 2016:

As presented on the campaign trail and detailed on the Trump-Pence website, President–elect Donald Trump wants to implement school choice programs in all 50 states that will allow students and their parents to pick the school that works best for them, and the money to pay for it will follow the student, not the school bureaucracy.

“If we can put a man on the moon, dig out the Panama Canal, and win two World Wars, then I have no doubt that we, as a nation, can provide school choice to every disadvantaged child in America,” said Trump in a Sept. 8 speech in Cleveland, Ohio.


The proposal calls for using $20 billion in federal funds to incentivize the states to start (or expand their existing) school choice programs.

From there, “if the states collectively contribute $110 billion of their own education budgets toward school choice,” said Trump, “on top of the $20 billion in federal dollars, that could provide $12,000 in school choice funds to every K-12 student who today lives in poverty.”


“The money will follow the student,” he said. “That means the student will be able to attend the public, private, charter, or magnet school of their choice – and each state will develop its own system that works for them.” Trump reportedly has added home schools to the proposal. 

There are a some school choice programs in the United States, but they are limited and vary widely in terms of which schools a student may choose; who is eligible to participate;  how many students may participate; and how much funding is available for each program.

For example, California does not offer private school choice, but it allows intra-district and inter-district open enrollment at its public schools, reports the Heritage Foundation. Texas offers the same as California. Virginia does not allow private school choice or public school choice and it has “weak charter school laws, reported Heritage.

In his speech, Trump emphasized the need to help American students in the inner cites to be offered the opportunity to pick their school, which will help them to get on the ladder to success.

“We are one nation, and when any part of our country hurts, our whole country hurts,” said Trump. “My goal as president will be to ensure that every child in the nation – African-American, Hispanic-American, all Americans – will be placed on the ladder of success: a great education, a great job.”

“The Democratic Party has trapped millions of African-American and Hispanic youth in failing government schools that deny them the opportunity to join the ladder of American success,” he said. “It is time to break up that monopoly.”

“I want every single inner-city child in America who is today trapped in a failing school to have the freedom – the civil right – to attend the school of their choice,” said Trump.  “Our government spends more than enough money to easily pay for this initiative, with billions left over. It’s simply a matter of putting students first, not the education bureaucracy.”

He then explained that the United States, at the state and federal levels, spends approximately $620 billion on K-12 education each year. (The federal government kicks in $64 billion and states provide about $570 billion.) That averages to $12,296 for every student. 

Chicago, for instance, spends about $11,976 per student, said Trump, and Los Angeles spends about $10,602.  New York City spends $20,226 per student.

By offering $20 billion more in federal funds to encourage states to participate in school choice – to establish (or expand) their own programs for their citizens – “it would create a massive education market that is competitive and produces better outcomes,” said Trump.  (Currently, only about $1.9 billion is spent on school choice programs nationwide.)

The $20 billion would be allocated to states that “have private school choice and charter laws, encouraging them to participate,” said Trump.

“These schools would then cater to the needs of the individual student and family, not the needs of the Teachers’ Union,” he said. “But the $20 billion is only the beginning,” said Trump. “As president, I will establish the national goal of providing school choice to every American child living in poverty…. Each state will develop its own formula, but we want the dollars to follow the student.”

“I will use the pulpit of the presidency to campaign for this in all 50 states,” he said, “and I will call upon the American people to elect officials at the city, state and federal level who support school choice.”

Way to go White Trump voters!

Trump, ever “the advocate of White working people,” has determined that it is teacher’s unions and the capacity for educators to be discriminatory (by the de facto means in this case, of pricing out the pattern) of black menace to White school children, that is the problem - not the blacks: Donald is all for this group of Americans: in fact, it is the only racial/ethnic group that he explicitly supports.

Trump Acceptance Speech: Already Talking About Binding The Races Together As One

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 09 November 2016 10:00.

“They are both essentially neo-liberal candidates, who will do nothing to impede imperial expansion”

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 November 2016 08:13.

“They are both essentially neo-liberal candidates, who will do nothing to impede imperial expansion” - Hedges, 7 Nov 2016:

“Trump is a Public Relations disaster for The Unites States” - and that’s part of why the establishment is against him - “but the establishment is so hated that when they trotted out Mitt Romney to attack him, people just laughed: it’s the Romney’s, the Clinton’s, the Obama’s - it’s the establishment that people are turning against which is why Hillary Clinton is having such a difficult time competing against such an imbecilic and indisciplined and impulsive and frankly ignorant candidate.”

Hillary’s camp has been able to manipulate the electoral process all the while. With that, she’s had the press on her side, including to the point of pressuring the FBI to shut down the belated email investigations.

50% of all homicides in The U.S. committed by 4% of the population - young black males

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 November 2016 10:51.

Figures compiled over 30 years:

Young black males, 4% of the population, commit half of all murders in America.

Don’t heed the trivializing girl argument that the problem with blacks is that they do not work. While that is true, to merely put your nose to the grindstone and work to prove yourself responsible, unlike them, and make a state function that permits of these circumstances is the epitome of naivete (of being a cuck).

We don’t have a black laziness problem, we have a Jewish, objectivist and black hyper-assertiveness problem, which imposes blacks, their cuckolding and violence upon us.

Example among the affliction -

DM, “Mother calls police on her son after he admits killing his pretty girlfriend and dumping her body in a lake”, 6 Aug 2013

Khambrel Hadley and Alyssa Oakes had only moved in together in May

They often fought, police even responded to one of the arguments and classified a domestic incident

Hadley was caught when he was reported as having stolen a neighbor’s car

A Florida mother made the toughest decision a parent can make Friday when she turned her son into police for murdering his girlfriend.

Shortly after Khambrel Hadley, 21, confessed to murdering girlfriend, Alyssa Oakes, 19, and told her where he dumped the body, his mother called 911 to report the crime. The alleged murderer was arrested later that afternoon, according to reports.

The doomed couple had moved into a Delano, FL., apartment just two months ago.

        Accused murderer: Khambrel Hadley (right) allegedly confessed to murdering girlfriend Alyssa Oakes (left) and dumping her body in a wooded area near a lake.

Hadley’s getaway was foiled when a neighbor called 911 to report his car stolen, according to WFTV, it didn’t take long for cops to finger Hadley as the thief.

Oddly enough, Hadley had been hanging out with a man who’s car he stole just the night before.

‘He was pulling out of the apartment complex when I saw him take off,’ the man told the station.

Police responded to Hadley’s mother’s 911 call by visiting the apartment he and Oakes shared, instead of finding the young woman, they found evidence of a struggle and what WESH called a ‘brutal’ murder.

Modern Canterbury Tale: cold shower of coerced diversity engenders violence, ever more alienation

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 31 October 2016 06:39.

DM, “A final insult from the murderer who stabbed his housemate and the man’s girlfriend to death in a row over a hot shower. Killer raises his middle finger to victims’ families as he is jailed for life”, 26 Oct 2016:

Violent grandfather was living with one of his victims when they argued

He stabbed man and his girlfriend to death before claiming self-defence

Killer was jailed for life today after he was convicted of the double murder

He raised his finger at the public gallery as he was handed 30-year term

Christian, who grinned as his victims’ families’ statements were read to court, raised his middle finger to the public gallery today as he was ordered to serve at least 30 years behind bars. He swore at his victims’ families as he was led away to start a life sentence today…

Naomi Toro, who hid the knife for Christian, was handed a one-year sentence.


Trump’s “New” Deal: ethnonationalism for blacks, proposition nationalism for gentile others - goyim

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 28 October 2016 05:01.

Trump’s “New Deal”: Ethnonationalism for blacks, proposition nationalism for you, gentile other - what else is new?

Trump’s “New Deal” promises massive assistance to blacks on the basis of their race - what else is new?

Blacks are the only group for which Donald Trump has proposed a plan of help on the grounds of their race/ethnicity.

What else is new? This only further ensconces their status as quasi feudal lords: a people of privilege, a people of a different set of laws, a people whom we cannot discriminate against, of enhanced penalties for crimes against them (“hate crime” laws), a people whom we must hire, a people whose children we must pay for (and try to) educate - with knowledge for which we sublimated, endured pain and indifference and ridicule to acquire, while they, the blacks, have been pampered and lavished - a people whom we must serve.

We are their servants…not because they add value to our lives - quite the opposite (they take away from us vastly, markedly in regard to EGI) but because they are backed by terror - the intimidation of their bio-power, hyper-assertiveness, aggression, violence, destruction and Jewish machination.

This is to say nothing of the trillions in welfare, government handouts and programs, while their advocates demand “reparations” from generations who had nothing to do with their oppression in history but have in fact been penalized hideously for it - to the point of societal and national displacement, rape, murder and genocide.

Donald Trump is the kind of cowardly sell-out who has aided and abetted this circumstance.

“Trump’s New “Deal”, shafting the goyim of the world on behalf of blacks.

Bloomberg, “Donald Trump proposes new deal for black Americans”, 27 Oct 2016:

Today I want to talk about how to grow the African American middle class and provide a New Deal for black America.

That deal is grounded in three promises

1) Safe communities

2) Great education

3) High paying jobs

My vision rests on a principle that has defined this campaign right from the beginning.  You’ve seen where we’ve come from and where we are right now.  It’s called ‘American first’.

Every African American citizen in this country is entitled to a government that puts their jobs, wages and security first.

One of the greatest betrayals has been the issue of immigration.

Illegal immigration violates the civil rights of African Americans.

That’s what’s been happening (applause).

No group has been more economically harmed by decades of immigration than low income African American workers.

I will also propose tax holidays for inner city investment; a new tax incentive to get foreign companies to relocate in blighted American neighborhoods; and they will do that. it will be worthwhile; it’s called incentive - they will do it.

I am very humbled, beyond words, to be the nominee of the Party of Abraham Lincoln, a lot of people don’t know that, its the party of Abraham Lincoln.  And it is my highest and greatest hope that the Republican party can be the home in the future and forever more for African Americans and the African American vote; because I will produce and I will get others to produce; and we know for a fact it doesn’t work with the democrats; and it certainly isn’t going to work with Hillary.

And so Donald Trump’s agenda to rope implicit White Nationalists back into the Republican proposition nationalism - a naivete seized upon for the Jewish race mixing agenda - suckering “the Alternative Right” with dog whistles to anti-PC, has become apparent, all but explicit.

Trump’s New Deal: ethno-nationalism for blacks - the only group proposed help on basis of race/ethnicity - proposition nationalism for gentile others, a.k.a., the goyim.

“That deal” is grounded in three promises

1) Safe communities - can only be done relatively, with partial success only, through a Giuliani type active policing - a burden and social expense which would not be necessary in a White ethnostate.

2) Great education - can only be done at a terrible cost to non-blacks - we must (try to) educate them - with knowledge for which we sublimated, endured pain and indifference and ridicule to acquire, while they, the blacks, have been pampered and lavished, to do nothing but indulge themselves and have offspring - a people whom we must serve.

3) High paying jobs - they already have that: blacks are vastly over represented in government jobs that are easy, well paying, with good benefits, reasonable hours, vacation time and overtime pay available for those want it. As for the corporations, there is no more coveted and lavished employee than a black from privileged education and of those precious few at the higher end of the bell curve to round out their quota and non-racist credentials. Disobey at the price of being sued and otherwise maneuvered into the loss of your enterprise ...while government contracts are set aside for black businesses and private contracts are compelled to use black contractors as well.

So what else is new?

Donald must not try breaking those promises of privilege, promises granted in cowardice to the hyper-assertive, hyper-aggressive, rioting, Jewish lawyer backed black American populace.

But we are supposed to hate: Mexicans, who are either White, close to White, identify and assimilate as such, or more AmenIndian, benign and minding their business where not helpfully industrious; we are supposed to resent and penalize Asians that they can remain the labor force to pay for black and Jewish privilege.

Yes, sure, Trump is playing 57 dimensional chess, so are his supporters - right.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 18 May 2024 14:37. (View)

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